Saturday, August 31, 2019

Argument Analysis of the Issue of Euthanasia Essay

1.If a right creates a net benefit to society and is not morally incorrect, then it should be made legal. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 2.Voluntary euthanasia refers to a doctor’s right to kill a terminally ill patient to his/her request. (IM; Oracle: definition from 3.If voluntary euthanasia is not a moral transgression and euthanasia creates a net benefit on society, then present legal prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. (LI from 1,2) 4.It is considered a moral duty to kill a pet that is suffering due to incurable illness. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 5.If it is a moral duty to relieve a suffering pet with incurable illness from its’ suffering by killing it, performing euthanasia on willing humans that are terminally ill cannot be a moral transgression. (IM; Oracle: tacit knowledge) 6.Performing euthanasia on willing humans that are terminally ill is not a moral transgression. (LI from 4,5) 7.Terminally ill patients use scarce medical resources. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 8.Euthanasia would increase the number of terminally ill patients that would willingly die. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 9.Patients stop using medical resources once they die. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 10.Euthanasia would create an increase in scarce medical resources not used by terminally ill patients. (LI from 7,8,9) 11.Other patients will use the scarce medical resources that are not being used by terminally ill patients. (IM; Oracle: Tacit Knowledge) 12.Euthanasia would thus create an increase in scarce medical resources that will be used by patients that are not terminally ill. (LI from 10,11) 13.Patients that are not terminally ill benefit from medical resources more than terminally ill patients. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 14.Scarce resources cause the largest benefit to society when used by those people that can benefit most from them. (IM; Oracle: Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics) 15.Euthanasia would create a net benefit to society because of its allocation of scarce medical resources. (LI from 12,13,14) 16.Present legal prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. (UC and LI from 3,6,15) Argument Evaluation of Original Argument â€Å"Euthanasia is sure to become an issue of increasing importance as our population ages and the leading  causes of death become long term debilitating illness rather than accidents or infectious disease. Too often the debate is clouded by emotion and irrational thought. However, turning one’s attention to the following points may serve to clarify the situation.† The first few sentences in the speaker’s argument serve as an introduction to the topic. The first to statements establish the importance of the issue. While these two sentences are no directly part of the argument, the speaker has already made an error. The speaker states that â€Å"the leading  causes of death become long term debilitating illness rather than accidents  or infectious disease,† however the leading cause of death is already a long term debilitating illness (namely cardiovascular disease). This of course suggests that the speaker has unreliable information and will make his/her argument less trustworthy. The remaining to sentences serve to exclude any irrational topics from being introduced into the argument criticism. This is a very wise move strategically since it is indeed true that many times this subject is clouded by speak of God and prejudice against elderly. While the speaker attempts to avoid discussing such issues, he/she does mention morality. â€Å"We consider it a duty, not a moral transgression, to end the life of a suffering pet. Why do we balk at providing the same service to willing humans?† The speaker tries to establish that moral transgression is not in question so that it is not brought up in an argument criticism. A pet cannot request euthanasia. A pet’s owner will have the pet killed if the pet has an incurable illness which will cause unbearable suffering. Humans on the other hand can request euthanasia. If they cannot request euthanasia their surrogate can. Thus we must speak of voluntary euthanasia when concerning humans. The speaker is making a link between the morality of performing euthanasia on pets and the morality of performing euthanasia on humans. This link, represented in statement 3, is an opinion about what is moral and thus cannot be verified with a strong source. Nonetheless, it is a valid stance on morality and the speaker chose to use this link in his/her argument â€Å"Is it not crueler to condemn these individuals to weeks, perhaps even months, of suffering? I did not include this statement in my argument reconstruction since I believe it is very weak and is a point that will be criticized greatly. No patient is being condemned to suffering. I will return to this subject in my own argument Besides, it is a greater injustice to squander precious medical resources on  the terminally ill when so many others, particularly infants, could benefit from them instead; and frequently this is the only alternative to euthanasia. This argument is actually quite weak. Rarely are medical treatments rival. One person’s use of a treatment usually does not affect the use of others. In the case where the medical resources are indeed rival, (eg. organs etc) the speaker himself/herself says that frequently the younger patients or those that will benefit most from the treatment are given the scarce medical resources. The argument about scarce medical resources can be used, however the speaker should not mention: â€Å"frequently this is the only alternative to euthanasia.† When these points are considered, it becomes clear that the present legal prohibitions against euthanasia ought to be lifted. This statement is the speaker’s ultimate conclusion. It is not necessary to reestablish the validity of the argument with the statement â€Å"it becomes clear that.† Furthermore, the preposition â€Å"when these points are considered† should be excluded from the sentence as it allows us to suspect that there are other points that should be considered. In terms of strategic excellence, the argument should only contain information relevant to the inquirer’s inquiry. No information that does not aid in reaching the ultimate conclusion should be present unless absolutely necessary. Lastly, there are many kinds of euthanasia. The speaker must specify that he/she is considering one specific meaning. Voluntary euthanasia refers to the killing of a patient that gives consent to be killed. There are problems with determining what is really voluntary. We must assume that the patient is capable of requesting euthanasia. Otherwise, the patient’s surrogate must request euthanasia. The doctor cannot decide alone that a patient should be killed. Many times however (according to statistics from Holland where euthanasia is currently legal) a doctor may take his/her own initiative and then lie about the cause of the patient’s death, attributing death to natural causes. For the purposes of argument, let us assume that voluntary euthanasia will be practiced correctly and assess whether the prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. General Evaluation: As is evident from my argument reconstruction, the inquirer’s written argument lacks many links. Most importantly the inquirer fails to establish that his/her conclusion is based on a conjunction of two different claims (actually three, but I excluded the claim that patients are being condemned to suffering for informative correctness purposes). It is extremely important to establish what statements the conclusion is based on. Another major error is the use of wrong information. While the wrong information is not necessary for the establishment of the inquirer’s conclusion, the inquirer still suggests unreliability with his first two introductory statements. Furthermore, the inquirer included the claim that patients are being condemned to suffering. I excluded this statement completely as it is incorrect. I will discuss this subject in my own argument. Lastly, the argument is not set up in an organized manner. The lines of thought are not linear. Rather, the inquirer proceeds in multiple directions failing to relate his conclusion to each point put forth. The inquirer states that his conclusion is clear even though he/she actual failed to show the relation between the left side moves and the conclusion by not establishing that the conclusion is based on a conjunction of two different claims. The inquirer is usually definitorily correct. Occasionally, he/she makes errors. For example, the inquirer fails to define what is meant by euthanasia. It is a simple matter of vocabulary, yet the intended definition of the word can change the argument in many ways. There are many criticisms of euthanasia related to involuntary euthanasia. The inquirer should avoid these by specifying he/she is considering only voluntary euthanasia. The inquirer portrays some wise strategic moves in his/her first few statements. The inquirer first establishes the importance of the subject by implying that as the population mortality age increases more and more patients will be considering euthanasia. While this was a wise strategic move, I did not include it as it was not necessary to establish the conclusions validity. This statement simply served as an introduction to a written argument. The inquirer also attempts to avoid any criticism related  to irrational concepts (such as God) by stating that these ideas simply cloud the subject. This was also a wise strategic move. As discussed previously, the manner in which the ultimate conclusion is stated is quite weak. It is unnecessary to draw attention to the possibility of other points being relevant to the subject. In fact, this provokes the reader to search for other subjects that have not been considered and will contradict the inquirer’s conclusion. He/she also uses a danger signal in the ultimate conclusion. The inquirer says â€Å"it should be clear that,† however the inquirer never establishes the relation between the mentioned points and the ultimate conclusion. This phrase suggests that the inquirer may actually draw no connection at all. Lastly, the argument is valid. Rectifying some mistakes and adding some moves that were assumed obvious the table now does close and there are no other open paths. Thus the argument is complete and the conclusion true, assuming all IM’s and LI’s are truth preserving. My Argument A right that is not necessary (has no use) and can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us should not be legalized. As can be seen from statistics from countries that have made voluntary euthanasia legal, there are many complications related to the right not being implemented efficiently. Many doctors may take advantage of the right, many euthanasia’s are performed on people who did not even request euthanasia with reasons such as â€Å"It was too much of a burden for the family† or â€Å"the patients illness was terminal.† Evidently, it is not so clear what â€Å"voluntary† or â€Å"terminal† mean, and depending on the doctor’s judgment the same patient may be treated differently. Furthermore, doctors can suggest euthanasia to patients that have not even considered it. The psychological stress on a suffering patient is so great that they may be easily influenced by doctors or family members to request the procedure. Laws against  euthanasia are in place to prevent abuse and to protect people from unscrupulous doctors and others. Secondly, there is no use to the right. Prohibitions against euthanasia are not intended to make patients suffer. No one is being condemned to suffering. If a patient is capable of requesting euthanasia they are also capable of committing suicide. People do have the power to commit suicide. If the patient does not have the means to commit suicide, a prescription of lethal drugs may be given to the patients but this is no longer considered euthanasia, but rather assisted suicide (which I am in favor of even though for moral reasons I personally disagree with suicide). Euthanasia refers to the killing of the patient directly by the doctor (either by lethal injection or by removal from necessary medical treatment). The need for assisted suicide is a completely different subject and should not be introduced into an argument about euthanasia. If the patient is not capable of requesting euthanasia then a court of law will allocate a surrogate to that patient which can make decisions for th e patient. If the patient is not capable of requesting euthanasia then the patient may not be able to commit suicide without assistance. But if the patient is in such a condition, they must be in vital need of medical treatment (either machines or drugs). A lot of people think that euthanasia is needed so patients won’t be forced to remain alive by being â€Å"hooked up† to machines. But the law already permits patients or their surrogates to withhold or withdraw unwanted medical treatment even if that increases the likelihood that the patient will die. Thus, no one needs to be hooked up to machines against their will. Neither the law nor medical ethics requires that â€Å"everything be done† to keep a person alive. Insistence, against the patient’s wishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice and is also cruel and inhumane. Thus even a patient that cannot commit suicide can kill himself/herself by removal from treatment. Euthanasia is not necessary and can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us. Prohibitions against euthanasia should not be lifted. (Assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life. When a doctor helps another person to kill themselves it is called â€Å"physician assisted suicide.† In my opinion, physician assisted suicide should be allowed as long as it is merely assistance and is practiced lawfully. Measures should be taken to ensure it is practiced lawfully. Each doctor should be forced to send in a consent form to some organization first. The consent form should contain the patient’s or the surrogate’s signature (if the patient is incapable of signing or requesting). In this way there will be less abuse of the right.)

Friday, August 30, 2019

History of French Cuisine from Conventional to Extraordinary Essay

Derived from the French language, bon appetit has been a familiar saying known around the world. Meaning good appetite or enjoy your meal, bon appetit exemplifies the French culture. The French have been known for centuries of elegant and exquisite cuisine especially gourmet desserts. Located in Western Europe between Italy and Spain, France has been a hotspot of enriched ancient culture. France flourished into a tourist location which ignited a change in France’s commercial kitchens. Chefs were obliged to create dishes that appealed to a growing audience. French cuisine has evolved extensively over the centuries. However, centuries of bliss and creativity was dampened with years of anguish and turmoil, when Germany occupied France during the Second World War. France’s once plentiful food supply quickly turned scarce. This forced cooks to utilize new substitutions for ingredients and start practical meal planning. The hardships the French cuisine faced during 1940-1944 simultaneously changed the French lifestyle. Modern French food now embodies simplicity yet class; rustic yet modern. Once having everything then being stripped away to nothing, France needed to rebuild a cuisine embracing the past, present, and future. Therefore beginning from World War II to modern day, French cuisine has experienced many changes whereby impacting French culture. An adversary of Germany, France sustained a significant setback when Germany took control. Prior to the German occupation, French food was known has haute or grande cuisine. Traditional haute cuisine is highly noted all around the world. The food is well known due to the immense amount of preparation and presentation that goes into each dish. Precision plays a crucial role in creating an exquisite haute meal (Franklin). However, haute cuisine ceased to exist under German occupation and subsequent food shortages. Lines were long in front of French shops as people hoped to purchase depleted foods and staple products. Burdened with these difficulties, the French government instituted food charts and tickets which were to be exchanged for French staples. Items such as butter, bread, and meat were being rationed. Traditional cuisine then became obsolete due to citizens skimping on spices and decorations. Although the government tried to provide food subsidies, hunger still existed affecting the youth in urban areas. With the absence of standard foods normally seen in their diet, the French people searched for new European dietary substitutes (Beaufort). They ate unusual vegetables, such as Swedish turnip and Jerusalem artichoke. Products such as sugar were replaced by alternatives such as saccharin. In lieu of coffee, toasted barley mixed with chicory became the beverage of choice (â€Å"French Classics†). Scams and trickery got the best of people who were desperate for a meal during this time. Some people utilized the black market. There people could sell food without government tickets. Resulting in the prices being extremely high. Counterfeit food tickets were also in circulation. Along with the black market there was also direct buying from farmers in the countryside. The above activities carried the risk of fines and punishments as they were strictly prohibited by the government. In remote country villages vegetable gardens, the availability of milk products, and illicit animal slaughtering provided better survival for the people verses those living in the large cities (Beaufort). Wine played a key role during World War II as well. Wine is commonly consumed during festive occasions it has been utilized during war as well. Over the years, wine has made an unusual appearance on the battlefield. Commanders have allowed their troops to consume wine on the front lines hoping for an increase in performance and moral. During World War II, the combination of wine and war played out in a heartfelt way. The French army did everything in their power to keep their wine and their national identity out of the hands of the invading German forces (â€Å"Saving†). Although, the German forces did invade France, the consumption of wine on the frontline gave hope to the French soldiers that traditional French culture was being preserved during and after the war. The liberation of France began on June 6th, 1944. The Allied forces put forth into to action their plan, D-Day which was the invasion of France. After World War II, tourism signaled a new beginning for French cuisine. Tourism introduced the demand for haute cuisine at a reasonable price. Japanese, Middle Easterners, British, Americans, and even French travelers were yearning for new food experiences. French chefs were now determined to start a new style of cooking, one that would keep some traditional recipes but implement new ones. New cuisine was a counteraction to the classic haute cuisine (Franklin). New cuisine or Nouvelle was the answer that chefs from all parts of the world were looking for. Nouvelle cuisine had several characteristics. For example it was important that high quality and fresh products were utilized for cooking. The chefs would travel to markets every morning and look for the freshest products. These new and improved cooks would not fathom the idea of using any product that was not absolutely fresh or needed preservatives. Chefs simplified menu cards deleting a long list of dishes. Smaller quantities and choices meant no leftovers guaranteeing freshness. Chefs were looking for quality and became more attracted by unfamiliar products. Foreign influences prevailed and chefs began to use exotic products from Asia, North Africa and Italy (â€Å"Nouvelle Cuisine†). In new cuisine recipes, fewer ingredients were used to enhance purity and light sauces substituted creamy, thick ones. Flexible preparation methods and more experimentation with non-traditional flavors allowed new cuisine to become popular (Franklin). Fortunately, this new cooking style is said to be less fattening. Chefs used limited meat in new recipes which stems from the shortage of meat during World War II. It is perfect for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, the new cuisine was prepared with lighter ingredients such as herbs, quality butter, lemon juice, and vinegar. This flexible and less expensive cuisine mainstreamed into restaurants and other eateries (Beaufort). One byproduct of the new cuisine is the menu de degustation or tasting menu that was offered in many restaurants. Achieving notoriety, diners were eager to sample all of the dishes of the new cuisine. Each member in a group had the opportunity to order a different appetizer, main course, and dessert. Tasting menus gave the diners the convenience to experience many varieties. Another byproduct of new cuisine is the choice of a la carte. It is a menu in which the patron makes individual selections from various menu categories and each item is priced separately. Serving single portions was seen as a rare new talent to chefs (Olver). The French culture was launched and savored by people around the world. World War II impacted French living for the better by reevaluating French values and introducing new French cuisine ideas. French cuisine influenced other cultures as well and many countries adapted new French cooking methods. Throughout the centuries, France was noted for its grandiose and eccentric lifestyle. Rich foods and lavish feasts were an integral part of the France culture. Chefs prepared French cuisine with the finest ingredients. Wine was served and enjoyed at every meal. Food was plentiful for all. All of this changed rapidly with the German Invasion in 1940. A ravaged and war torn country left the French people forced to explore new and less expensive ways to provide meals solely for survival. Yet, despite the devastation and hardship the French citizens endured, they utilized these cost effective measures and the importation of ingredients into the development of the nouvelle cuisine. Tasting menus and ala carte menus, not to mention exquisite appetizers and desserts, created the ultimate dining experience enjoyed by patrons. Thus emerged the world renowned and delectable French cuisine that is so popular today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Leadership and management mean different things to different people Essay

Leadership and management mean different things to different people - Essay Example Another alternative meaning of leadership entails organizing a collection of people, so as to accomplish common goals. K-12 school leadership involves enlisting and directing the talents and efforts of education stakeholders like administrators, parents, pupils and teachers, towards realizing common education goals. Several universities globally offer graduate programs in education leadership. Leadership studies in various organizations have generated theories from traits intelligence, situational interaction, charisma, behavior, charisma, power and function (Carter, 2013). There are several leadership theories which are applied in the education sector. The early western history illustrates the traits or characteristics necessary for leaders. The theory illustrates that leadership was based on characteristics possessed by individuals. The leadership determined by the attributes or characteristics is referred to as trait theory of leadership. Alternative leadership theories developed during the 1950s. The theories illustrate the driving factors for leadership. The individuals also illustrate that individuals who are leaders in a given context or situation, may not be effective leaders in different situations. This led to shift in attention from traits responsible for leadership, to effective behaviors for leadership. The trait theory thereafter reemerged, due to new researches and measurement of leadership. Statistical advances in the 1980s used meta-analyses to quantitatively analyze leadership concepts. The researchers illustrated that individuals become leaders due to various tasks and situations. In the k-12 school contexts, leaders are developed when teachers are promoted to the administrator position. There is direct relationship between leadership development and associated traits such as; intelligence, extraversion, openness to experience and conscientiousness. K-12

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Enzyme Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enzyme Activity - Essay Example This helps in enhancing the lively activities of the living beings. The free radical formation is an important cause in causing and increasing a disease. The enzymes that act as scavengers and remove ROS can help in preventive methods of some critical diseases. The investigations regarding the enzymes that are critical for the bacterial existence provide information about physiology of microbes. The understanding of cell metabolism, evolution of bacteria and the interactions between bacterium and host can be enhanced. With this information it is possible to explain the mechanisms that regulate the organism and to find out the proteins that are necessary of existence of the cell. According to Brendan Burns, George Mendz and Stuart Hazell in the case of CAA the resonances arising from -CH and -CH2 groups of the aspartate moiety have chemical shifts and coupling constants different from those of the amino acid aspartate. Thus, it was possible to make an unambiguous assignment of CAA.2 The investigations in other enzymes lack this type of identification in case of complex activities. Regarding the results related to the study of enzymes in H Pylori the NMR method will give good results when combined with radio active tracer analysis and spectrophotometry. The activity of the enzyme in the development of H pylori is useful in developing therapeutic drugs as it was found essential for existence and growth of H Pylori. The above activity was related to the enzyme investigation regarding the existence of disease causing bacteria. There are number of enzymes with varying activities. Some enzymes even effect the skeletal in animals (as well as in human beings). These activities are studied to solve the problems regarding the muscle problems. After the structure (skeleton) of the human body the muscle is the thing, which contributes strength and movement for it. The enzymes, which affect the fibre and the muscle, play an important role in developing methods to increase or preserve the efficiency of the muscle fibre. There are 3 types of fibres according to P. D. Gollnick, R.B. Armstrong, C.W.Saubertiv, K. Piehl, and B. Stalin (1972). These fibres are interconvertibility depends on the training given. The training proved to increase red muscle at the expense of white muscle. This means that the enzyme activity was changed due to training as the enzymes acting in the existence of red and white muscles are different. FIG. 1. Serial sections from vastus lateralis muscle stained for DPNH-diaphorase (lop) and rnyosin ATPase (boltom) from four sub- jects. A and B: untrained middle-aged subject (BA). Note relatively large fibers and light DPNH-diaphorase stain in both FT and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Leadership - Essay Example There are some people in the organization who have tremendous qualities, which can be used for the growth of the organization. A good leader exploits those qualities and makes them unlocked for the attainment of the ultimate objectives of the organization. Some people get misunderstood with leaders and managers. An ideal leader always focuses on the people. The leaders inspire the people; motivate them to do right things and to shape the entities. A leadership has to perform the common activities on the organizational scenario, such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling. It has always been a debate whether the leaders are born or they are made. This debate between nature and nurture in leadership context has been an age-old topic of debate in management field. It is because some people have the innate leadership qualities. For example they are quite outspoken, very aggressive. Further they have natural intelligence. But an effective leadership needs some more traits beyo nd these qualities. The above mentioned qualities certainly are very useful for being good leaders, but it doesn’t mean that if they are absent in the persons, they cannot prove themselves as leaders. The best example of this was Mahatma Gandhi, a charismatic leader, who has a tremendous influence on people. The complicated and huge Indian society despite all its heterogeneous aspects, stood behind him, followed his ideals. Controlling such a hug and diverse nation like India was definitely not an easy task. Mahatma never stood in the benchmark of a good leadership; still he was one of the most influential leaders in the whole world. There are some exclusive qualities of the leaders, which are not found in some of the most influential leaders of the world. Still they have proved themselves as the leaders. No doubt, there are some born leaders. Many leaders have honed their leadership through extensive practice. It is because of their readiness to adapt them and equipped them with some qualities which were previously not in them. Importance of Effective Leadership on Organizational Scenario: In the changing market dynamics the people with various profiles join the organizations. There is fierce competition in the business world. In such crucial circumstances, the organization cannot survive just on the basis of knowledge. No doubt, the sound business knowledge is advantageous but for making things happen. However the effective leadership qualities cannot be neglected. For the survival and growth of the organization, it needs to develop certain strategies effectively. If there is a competition between equally competent organizations, and if the one organization is lacking effective leadership, and the other has a very strong leadership, ultimately the winner will be the organization with effective leadership. Effective leadership is regarded as the highest level of interpersonal dynamics. Learning Outcomes from playing scenarios: To sharpen the leadership qualities among the leaders the simulation has become a smart method. Simulation is nothing but a real life situation in which the trainers have been given the training of becoming the perfect leaders and not just a boss. For this I played games in which five different scenarios were given to me. I played the role the boss. I was not supposed to be just a boss, but to show my leadership qualities. All these scenes were useful for developing the fundamental skill of leadership and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Going for growth by investing in people, products and plant 2 Essay

Going for growth by investing in people, products and plant 2 - Essay Example Question 1 Before making an investment, it is prudent that one possesses an effective understanding of the market of operation. This is important in making an informed investment move. The process of studying the market and developing an understanding of the same is collectively referred to as investment appraisal. It involves a series of market evaluation through a number of mechanisms which result in the comparison of the business’ key objectives which are profitability under the existent market forces (Willey, 2012). There are a number of investment appraisal methodologies including net present value which investigates the ability of the market to repay the investment given the numerous present market factors such as inflation. One of the most preferred of these methods is the direct payback method in which the investor calculates the number of years it may take the business to return the initial investment. Some other investment appraisal method is the accounting rate of r eturn which bases its assessment of the market on its ability to earn profit to the investment. Despite their different approaches to the appraisal, the methods safeguard the interest of the business by trying to determine its profitability and above all its longevity. The life of a business is of great importance to the investor since the longer a business stays viable, the more the investor earns. The company makes an extensive capital investment with the sole aim of achieving the business objective. Capital investment is the amount of money that the enterprise invests in fixed assets which are directly used before implementing its investment plan. In this case, the Hazelwood Sandwiches Company carries out an extensive market research and investment appraisal thereby ensuring that their company stays relevant in the evidently dynamic market (Tabbush, 2011). This includes enhancing the production process such as the machinery and the production plant. The company does this after st aying in operation for some time; it therefore has an understanding of the market. Its decision to make such an expansive capital investment arises from the understanding that it has for the market. The company, just as any other desires, to stay active in the industry for as long as it takes. It therefore collects adequate information about the market and has its market facts right (Thomas & Michael, 2001). After determining the market size, the company determines its market share which is indeed the largest. The subsequent investment therefore arises from the desire to retain the position thus safeguarding both the profitability and the longevity of the company. The company has therefore mapped out its capital investment plan in phases to ensure that it does not become bankrupt in the process since such as scenario might have stifled the production process thereby either incurring debts or resulting in the eventual closure of the company. While purchasing fixed assets and improvin g the scale of production, the company also increases its working capital which is also part of capital investment. Question 2 The investment decision technique is synonymous to the investment appraisal method. The three discussed in the article are the playback method, the net present value, and the account rate of return (Alexander, 2010). Despite the fact that they all lead to an appropriate investment decision, they are different in their provisions and therefore possess unique advantages and disadvantages. The net

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Self-Evaluation after taking college writing 112 class Essay

Self-Evaluation after taking college writing 112 class - Essay Example Yet, even Joseph Heller has said, â€Å"Every writer I know has trouble writing†, and James Michener has said, â€Å"I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter (The Quote Garden). An area of both strength and weakness is being bilingual. The Whorf-Sapir hypothesis suggests that language shapes thought (Swoyer). Writing comes from thoughts, specifically, and generally within the context of a specific cultural worldview. Therefore, I believe that being bilingual and bicultural are strengths in that I draw from more than one system of thought and my writing can show more critical flexibility. In fact my papers demonstrate exceptional critical thinking skills, whether presenting both sides of a controversy, embryonic stem cell research, or considering the roles of racial profiling and international political aggression on the shaping of terrorists. This advantage of being bilingual and bicultural certainly compensates for the disadvantage of being grammatically-cha llenged in English. My introductory and concluding sentences are strong.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Investigation into the use of science by an environmental advocacy Essay

Investigation into the use of science by an environmental advocacy body - Essay Example 12). The report sought to provide a comprehensive and entirely practical ten year plan to exchange all the stationary energy requirements with one hundred percent renewable energy sources using proven technologies along with engineering. This deals with the common notion that the renewable energy cannot be used the replacement of fossil fuels, either as a result of under-development of the technology, or the concerns in regard to the costs associated with the technologies (Husher, 2009, p. 119). The group accepts pro-bono contributions from professionals such as engineers and scientists to take part in their projects in the same way open source software is produced and developed. The organization subscribes to the notion that the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at dangerous levels that keep increasing and that even when the objective of zero emissions in the worldwide economy is attained, the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will still have to be decreased to a safer threshold. According to Beyond Zero Emissions, 350 ppm was the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at which the fragmentation of the ice in the Arctic Sea started (Coghill, Sampford and Smith, 2011, p. 129). An amount in the area around 280 and 325 ppm is seen as the permissible amount and decreasing the levels in the atmosphere to this amount is appropriate and crucial. The organization believes that can be achieved through the implementation of concentrated plants that harvest solar. The prevailing levels of greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere are already considerably high to push the climatic system way past the tipping scales (Manahan, 2007, p.215). These levels are at an undesirable risk of dangerous and permanent changes to the climate of the globe, biodiversity, and by extension, human civilization (Shukla, 1997, p. 173). These changes have a direct impact on

Friday, August 23, 2019

Diacyl Glycerol in the Context of Diabetic Nephropathy Assignment

Diacyl Glycerol in the Context of Diabetic Nephropathy - Assignment Example Diabetic nephropathy is a serious diabetes complication characterized purposely by albuminuria and glomerular hyperfiltration and it is one of the most known common sources of a final stage of renal failure, especially in the western world. It is characterized by a massive growth of the extracellular matrix with coagulation of the tabular basement covering and the glomerular. A buildup of extracellular matrix proteins such a laminin, fibronectin, and collagen are known to cause mesangial enlargement making most of the kidney cellular elements targets of hyperglycemic damage. During hyperglycemia, the levels of glucose in the proximal tubular cells are increased causing DAG levels to increase (Tomino 16). The DAG accumulation leads to the activation of PKC and overproduction of TGF-ÃŽ ² which may be a negative feedback of intracellular cell accumulation. Through the de novo amalgamation of diacylglycerol (DAG) protein kinase C is activated which leads to further activation of other intracellular indicators in transduction systems like the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK). The activation of the three pathways: DAG, ERK and PKC are one of the most significant molecular mechanisms of the progression and development of diabetic nephropathy (Becker, Bilezikian, Bremner et al 957). By inhibiting the three paths there was a prevention to the development of glomerular dysfunction in diabetic people which proved the hypothesis that the three paths are important in diabetic nephropathy. Thiazolidinedione compounds inhibited PKC activation by ensuring that the DAG kinase was activated which prevented albuminuria, glomerular hyperfiltration and the excessive manufacturing of extracellular matrix proteins for Type 1 diabetes. Researchers have confirmed the signing of the activation of the three pathways in the growth of glomerular dysfunction in diabetic nephropathy. Pathophysiology due to a problem with the signaling pathway: DAG is an upstream deactivator of PKC, a pathway responsible for the excessive formation of urine in the kidneys. When DAG has activated it ensures control of urine in the urine bladder by relaxing its muscles regularly.  

Emiratisation in the UAE Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Emiratisation in the UAE - Thesis Example They believe that the organizational culture in the private sector employment is not according to their personality and their diversity is not helping to achieve the required level of organizational performance. In addition to that, the young Emiratis also face the language problem. The normal language in the private sector employment is English and it is highly required that employees must understand and communicate with the use of English language. Unfortunately, a considerable number of Emiratis do not have frequency while communicating with the use of English language. This situation further adds fuel to the fire of their perceptions about the private sector employment. In addition to that, they face the issue of career development as well. Many Emiratis have not been given opportunity to understand their career roadmap so that they become in a position to determine and decide their future career track. In this regard, the absence of career counseling is also considerably contrib uting. Moreover, the charm in the public sector employment does not allow the young Emiratis to apply in the private sector employment. Currently, more and more young Emiratis are showing their keen interest in the public sector employment and they admire that the workplace environment, flexible working hours, attractive remuneration packages and benefits are those factors that attract the young Emiratis to only consider the public sector employment as a worthwhile opportunity and at the same time, this works as discouraging factor to applying to the private sector employment. On the other hand, the private sector employers have also developed strange beliefs about the locals. They believe that the locals are less inclined to work and are more inclined to avoid private sector work. They believe that the locals have different lifestyle and at the same time they contend that the locals have not much to offer in the shape of interpersonal skills, communication skills, expertise and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Warn of dangerous fellow student Essay Example for Free

Warn of dangerous fellow student Essay Many other authors are researchers seem to voice the same observations made by Syvertsen et al (2009). Students’ psycho-social development is highly essential and should be integrated in learning curricular to ensure students are exposed to positive developmental behaviors. Relationship enhancement amongst teachers and students cannot be more emphasized than when studies are done and students reveal that strength of the bond their have with adults/teachers will determine if they would intervene directly or by reporting cases of violence. Students too, as it has been revealed, want to have a sense of having some control on their own. Resilience can be developed in students through the teachers influence as Grotberg (2003, p. 108) observed that, â€Å"Teachers are some of the major builders of our children’s resilience. They have our children in their care for most of their waking hours; from kindergarten to the end of school, approximately 13 years. Their influence is profound. Their responsibility is awesome. † From the Grotberg’s observatory comments, one is able to then assert the students’ notion that if they have a closer relationship with the ones they spend most of their tender school age with – the teachers – then they are bound to go to the teachers and report a student who would be planning a violent attack on the school community. If positive relationships are to be developed between students are teachers then â€Å"a positive relationship with an adult who is available to provide support when needed is one of the most critical factors in preventing student violence †¦ [since] peers are the most likely group to know in advance about potential school violence† (Vitto, 2003, p. 16). Closer interaction, fewer numbers of students allocated to each teacher and extra curricular activities may pave the way for better interaction that would enhance student-teacher interaction and encourage students to seek advice and help from teachers and adults incase of a colleague’s plan to violate or threaten the safety of the school community. Fascinatingly, common factors noted in over 75% of the 37 incidents of school shootings reported in the U. S revealed that the violator (s) told someone or talked to a colleague of their intent or that the shooting would happen. However, in most cases the students who happened to have information of the happenings beforehand did not seek out or inform any adult. This is a clear indication that understandable instructions should be given to students on what would be the most appropriate to take incase they heard of violence threats and ways of reporting these cases anonymously should be given to the students. Additionally, this may be an indication that students might not always seek out counsel or have enough confidence in adults to go to them and report such threatening situations. It may, therefore, be noted that the absence of trust could be the primary reason that may be given most commonly by students for not going to teachers for counsel or assistance. Syvertsen et al. (2009), reveal that â€Å"Fostering a caring school climate in which students (and teachers) feel a shared sense of responsibility to look out for one another and to take action to keep one another safe is something not taught in textbooks or made possible by metal detectors, but is built through the daily interactions teachers have with students and students have with one another. † Cultivating trust would be the best way to fulfill the students’ need to security and encourage as well as enable them to deal with problems, develop positive relationships and a strong sense of self and belonging. In return, emotional as well as psycho-social development is enhanced making the students more confident to defend the safety and wellbeing of schools and their community by reporting cases of violence. Difficult backgrounds, poverty, socio-economic challenges may be some of the factors that may underlie the development of divisive and aggressive behaviors among students. Having the ability to instill hope and confidence in students would not only help enhance independence and a positive sense of self worth but also positive interaction. With this kind of interaction, most students may be able to not only have the intent to intervene but also to take action to curb and prevent violence in schools. It’s the most complicated relationships to build if students come from backgrounds, however, with conducive environments and encouraging learning conditions, students can slowly but surely develop the emotional capabilities to deal with challenging situations hence minimizing violent outbursts and/or cases of ignoring violence signs. During teenage and adolescent years, most students may be individually seeing appreciation and acknowledgement from their peers and teachers. This means that they may, more than likely, try to intervene in violence situations by talking to their peer who may be planning a violence attack. Teachers, as much as they may seeks to encourage this kind of intervention, would have to ensure that the intervening student’s safety would not be threatened and that the students would be encouraged to seek the counsel and intervention of an adult. However, the student openness and willingness to participate in positive psycho-socio developmental activities and programs can only be left to the students. Aggressiveness forged towards students to make them participate on welfare activities and programs can also result in aggressive resistance and possible violent reactions. Conclusion It’s generally and conclusively agreed that, just as the studies reveal that different developmental levels enhance or deter intervention of students. Students need positive emotional as well as psychological nurturing to impact their school community’s safety programs. It’s therefore mandatory that, in order to reduce the risk of violent attacks by students, teachers and adults have to create an atmosphere that encourages students to develop their social skills and seek to protect the safety of their learning institutions. Besides the academic curricular, social, emotional and psychological developmental programs must be initiated to ensure students’ development of self worth is fulfilled. This would help lessen violence and encourage cohesion. In the end, safer school environments would be realized and abilities and willingness to intervene incase of violence threats can be achieved. References Dwyer, K. , Osher, D. Warger, C. (1998). Early warning, timely response: A guide to safe schools. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education. Retrieved June 10, 2009 from http://cecp. air. org/guide/guide. pdf Grotberg, E. H. (2003). Resilience for today: gaining strength from adversity. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. Jimerson, S. R. Furlong, M. J (2006). The handbook of school violence and school safety: from research to practice. New York: Routledge. Johnson, C. (n. d). The A-B-Cs of School Violence. Retrieved June 10, 2009 from http://www. aboutteens. org/essays/schl-violnce. htm Syvertsen, A. K. , Flanagan, C. A. , Stout, M. D. (2009). Code of Silence: Students. Perceptions of School Climate and Willingness to Intervene in a Peers Dangerous Plan. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 101, No. 1, 219-232. Vitto, J. M (2003). Relationship-Driven Classroom Management: Strategies That Promote Student Motivation. California: Corwin Press. Willenz, P. (2009). Students Who Feel Connected to Peers, Teachers are More Inclined to Warn of Dangerous Fellow Student: Zero Tolerance Policies Can Work against Cohesion in Schools. Retrieved June 9, 2009 from http://www. apa. org/releases/schoolviolence. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Allocation of Resources in Cloud Server Using Lopsidedness

Allocation of Resources in Cloud Server Using Lopsidedness B. Selvi, C. Vinola, Dr. R. Ravi Abstract– Cloud computing plays a vital role in the organizations resource management. Cloud server allows dynamic resource usage based on the customer needs. Cloud server achieves efficient allocation of resources through virtualization technology. It addresses the system that uses the virtualization technology to allocate the resources dynamically based on the demands and saves energy by optimizing the number of server in use. It introduces the concept to measure the inequality in multi-dimensional resource utilization of a server. The aim is to enlarge the efficient resource utilization system that avoids overload and save energy in cloud by allocating the resources to the multiple clients in an efficient manner using virtual machine mapping on physical system and Idle PMs can be turned off to save energy. Index Terms-cloud computing, resource allocation, virtual machine, green computing. I. Introduction In cloud computing provides the service in an efficient manner. Dynamically allocate the resources to multiple cloud clients at the same time over the network. Now-a-Days many of the business organizations using the concept of cloud computing due to the advantage with resource management and security management. A cloud computing network is a composite system with a large number of shared multiple resources. These are focus to unpredictable needs and can be affected by outside events beyond the control. Cloud resource allocation management requires composite policies and decisions for multi-objective optimization. It is extremely difficult because of the convolution of the system, which makes it impracticable to have accurate universal state information. It is also subject to continual and unpredictable communications with the surroundings. The strategies for cloud resource allocation management associated with the three cloud delivery models, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), differ from one another. In all cases, the cloud providers are faced with huge, sporadic loads that contest the claim of cloud flexibility. Virtualization is the single most efficient way to decrease IT expenses while boosting effectiveness and liveliness not only for large enterprise, but for small and mid budget organizations also. Virtualization technology has advantages over the following aspects. Run multi-operating systems and applications on a single computer. Combine hardware to get hugely higher productivity from smaller number of servers. Save 50 percent or more on general IT costs. Speed up and make things easier IT management, maintenance, and the consumption of new applications. The system aims to achieve two goals: The capability of a physical machine (PM) should be enough to satisfy the resource requirements of all virtual machines (VMs) running on it. Otherwise, the Physical machine is overload and degrades performance of its VMs. The number of PMs used should be minimized as long as they can still satisfy the demands of all VMs. Idle physical machine can be turned off to save energy. There is an intrinsic exchange between the two goals in the face of altering resource needs of VMs. For overload avoidance, the system should keep the utilization of PMs Low to reduce the possibility of overload in case the resource needs of VMs increase later. For green computing, the system should keep the utilization of PMs reasonably high to make efficient use of their energy. It presents the design and implementation of an efficient resource allocation system that balance between the two goals. The following aids are, The development of an efficient resource allocation system that avoids overload in the system effectively while minimizing the number of servers use. To introduce the concept of â€Å"lopsidedness† to measure the uneven utilization of a server. By minimizing lopsidedness, the system improves the overall utilization of servers in the face of multidimensional resource constraints. To implement a load prediction algorithm that can capture the future resource usages of applications accurately without looking inside the VMs. Fig.1 System Architecture II. System Overview The architecture of the system is presents in Fig.1. The physical machine runs with VMware hypervisor (VMM) that supports VM0 and one or more VMs in cloud server. Each VM can contain one or more applications residing it. All physical machines can share the same storage space. The mapping of VMs to PMs is maintains by VMM. Information collector node (ICN) collects the information about VMs resource status that runs on VM0. The virtual machine monitor creates and monitors the virtual machine. The CPU scheduling and network usage monitoring is manage by VMM. Assume with available sampling technique can measure the working set size on each virtual machine. The information collects at each physical machine and passes the information to the admin controller (AC). AC connects with VM Allocator that activated periodically and gets information from the ICN resource needs history of VMs, and status of VMs. The allocator has several components. The Indicator Indicates the future demands of virtual machine and total load value for physical machine. The ICN at each node attempts to satisfy the input demands locally by adjusting the resource allocation of VMs sharing the same VMM. The hotspot remover in VM allocator spots if the resource exploitation of any PM is above the Hot Point. If so, then some VMs runs on the particular PM will be move away to another PM to reduce the selected PM load. The cold spot remover identifies the system that is below the average utilization (Cold point) of actively used PMs. If so, then it some PMs turned off to save energy. Finally, the exodus list passes to the admin controller. III. The Lopsidedness Algorithm The resource allocation system introduces the concept of lopsidedness to measure the unevenness in the utilization of multiple resources on a server. Let consider n be the number of resources and let consider ri be the exploitation of the ith resource. To define the resource lopsidedness of a server p by considering r is the average utilization of resources in server p. In practice, not all types of resources are performance critical and then consider bottleneck resources in the above calculation. By minimizing the lopsidedness, the system can combine different types of workloads nicely and improve the overall utilization of server resources. A. Hot and Cold Points The system executes periodically to evaluate the resource allocation status based on the predicted future resource demands of VMs. The system defines a server as a hot spot if the utilization of any of its resources is above a hot threshold. This indicates that the server is overloaded and hence some VMs running on it should be migrated away. The system defines the temperature of a hot spot p as the square sum of its resource utilization beyond the hot threshold. Consider R is the set of overloaded resources in server p and rt is the hot threshold for resource r. (Note that only overloaded resources are considered in the calculation.) The temperature of a hot spot reflects its degree of overload. If a server is not a hot spot, its temperature is zero. The system defines a server as a cold spot if the utilizations of all its resources are below a cold threshold. This indicates that the server is mostly idle and a potential candidate to turn off to save energy. However, the system does so only when the average resource utilization of all actively used servers (i.e., APMs) in the system is below a green computing threshold. A server is actively used if it has at least one VM running. Otherwise, it is inactive. Finally, The system define the warm threshold to be a level of resource utilization that is sufficiently high to justify having the server running but not so high as to risk becoming a hot spot in the face of temporary fluctuation of application resource demands. Different types of resources can have different thresholds. For example, the system can define the hot thresholds for CPU and memory resources to be 90 and 80 percent, respectively. Thus a server is a hot spot if either its CPU usage is above 90 percent or its memory usage is above 80 percent. B. Hot Spot Reduction The system sort the list of hot spots in the system in descending temperature (i.e., the system handle the hottest one first). Our goal is to eliminate all hot spots if possible. Otherwise, keep their temperature as low as possible. For each server p, the system first decides which of its VMs should be migrated away. The system sort its list of VMs based on the resulting temperature of the server if that VM is migrated away. The system aims to migrate away the VM that can reduce the server’s temperature the most. In case of ties, the system selects the VM whose removal can reduce the lopsidedness of the server the most. For each VM in the list, the system sees if the system can find a destination server to accommodate it. The server must not become a hot spot after accepting this VM. Among all such servers, the system select one whose lopsidedness can be reduced the most by accepting this VM. Note that this reduction can be negative which means the system selects the server wh ose lopsidedness increases the least. If a destination server is found, the system records the migration of the VM to that server and updates the predicted load of related servers. Otherwise, the system moves onto the next VM in the list and try to find a destination server for it. As long as the system can find a destination server for any of its VMs the system consider this run of the algorithm a success and then move onto the next hot spot. Note that each run of the algorithm migrates away at most one VM from the overloaded server. This does not necessarily eliminate the hot spot, but at least reduces its temperature. If it remains a hot spot in the next decision run, the algorithm will repeat this process. It is possible to design the algorithm so that it can migrate away multiple VMs during each run. But this can add more load on the related servers during a period when they are already overloaded. The system decides to use this more conservative approach and leave the system s ome time to react before initiating additional migrations. IV. System Analysis In Cloud Environment, the user has to give request to download the file. This request will be store and process by the server to respond the user. It checks the appropriate sub server to assign the task. A job scheduler is a computer application for controlling unattended background program execution; job scheduler is create and connects with all servers to perform the user requested tasks using this module. In User Request Analysis, the requests are analyze by the scheduler before the task is give to the servers. This module helps to avoid the task overloading by analyzing the nature of the users request. Fist it checks the type of the file going to be download. The users request can be the downloading request of text, image or video file. In Server Load value, the server load value is identifies for job allocation. To reduce the over load, the different load values are assign to the server according to the type of the processing file. If the requested file is text, then the minimum load value will be assign by the server. If it is video file, the server will assign high load value. If it is image file, then it will take medium load value. In Server Allocation, the server allocation task will take place. To manage the mixed workloads, the job-scheduling algorithm is follow. In this the scheduling, depends upon the nature of the request the load values are assign dynamically. Minimum load value server will take high load value job for the next time. High load value server will take minimum load value job for next time. The aim is to enlarge the efficient resource utilization system that avoids overload and save energy in cloud by allocating the resources to the multiple clients in an efficient manner using virtual machine mapping on physical system and Idle PMs can be turned off to save energy. Fig. 2 Comparison graph IV. Conclusion It presented by the design, implementation and evaluation of efficient resource allocation system for cloud computing services. Allocation system multiplexes by mapping virtual to physical resources based on the demand of users. The contest here is to reduce the number of dynamic servers during low load without sacrificing performance. Then it achieves overload avoidance and saves energy for systems with multi resource constraints to satisfy the new demands locally by adjusting the resource allocation of VMs sharing the same VMM and some of not used PMs could potentially be turn off to save energy. Future work can on prediction algorithm to improve the stability of resource allocation decisions and plan to explore using AI or control theoretic approach to find near optimal values automatically. References [1] Anton Beloglazov and Rajkumar Buyya (2013), ‘Managing Overloaded Hosts For Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines In Cloud Data Centers Under Quality of Service Constraints’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 1366-1379. [2] Ayad Barsoum and Anwar Hasan (2013), ’Enabling Dynamic Data And Indirect Mutual Trust For Cloud Computing Storage Systems’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 2375-2385. [3] Daniel Warneke, and Odej Kao (2011), ‘Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation For Efficient Parallel Data Processing In The Cloud’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 985-997. [4] Fung Po Tso and Dimitrios P. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Are Canadian Political Values Becoming Americanized?

Are Canadian Political Values Becoming Americanized? Canada and the United States may be the most extreme case of the small nation, big neighbor syndrome but when asked to point the main differences between the two countries, more than 70 people from both the sides said that Canada is just like a shadow of America. But what makes them make this confound argument? On what basis have they decided that they are the same? And on the other hand why does the rest of the 30% think that they are different? Going against all the odds, I would like to oppose the fact that Canadian Values are becoming Americanized by evaluating healthcare, the global culture and the free trade agreement between the two countries. Since the early 90s, the US has been successful in making a security system for the elder people, a medical help for the welfare recipients which can be called disorganized as there was no public funding in the health care center for the rest of the population. Canada on the other hand relied on a constitutionally entrenched system of equalization transfers from have to have-not provinces to balance roughly welfare state provisions, while the US adopted no such approach. . When needed, it is easy for Citizens of Canada to get healthcare or needs some assistance from welfare then it is easily available. The United States have said that they desire to have the same. Along with universal health care, Canadas welfare system is distinct from the United States. As Bashevkin pointed out, Canadas remain even while the United States remain uneven. Canada is portrayed as an executive political system with different languages and various significant regional bonds, where legislative, executive and judicial power and control lies largely in the hands of the prime minister. This horizontally centralized control system allows Canadian political elites in a majority government to impose their preferences more readily than executives in a horizontally decentralized case like the US, where a constitutional separation of powers creates multiple veto points across the three branches of government. In a more racially divided society with a diffuse congressional regime, American presidents are generally unable to command the concentrated institutional levers available to their Canadian counterparts. My next argument will state about the free trade argument between the two countries and its evaluation. Since before Confederation, Canadas national identity has been defined in part by its relation- ship to the United States. In Canada, this relationship has been characterized by divisive tensions between believers in the economic benefits of closer commercial relations with the US and those who have feared that free trade would Americanize Canada, either literally in the form of joining the union or figuratively in terms of values and culture. These conflicts have been particularly evident over the past 15 years, as Canada entered into the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement in 1988, which was expanded six years later to include Mexico in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Opponents of these agreements argued that they would cause jobs to be lost, wages to decline, inequality to increase, Canadas national identity to be undermined, and the capacity to forge distinctive policies to be vitiated. Proponents of free trade claimed that it would foster tremendous economic benefits and vehemently denied that it would lead to the Americanization of Canada. For Canada, globalization is effectively 80 percent Americanization. That figure represents the percentage of Canadian exports that go to the United States. Clearly, it is too simplistic to reduce the complex nature of US influence to trade relations. Nonetheless, that percentage is an effective representation of the importance of the United States in Canadas external relations with the world. Indeed, when one considers the cultural content of the media to which Canadians are exposed, the 80 percent figure is probably conservative. The main theme of the North American integration research for the Project on Trends is that the consequences of continental integration have not been as formidable as widely believed. Despite a sharp rise in trade dependence as a result of the Free Trade Agreement and growing American dominance of global media, the border between the two countries still matters. Admittedly, some policy instruments have been surrendered in exchange for access to larger mark ets. In addition, pressures for harmonization do exist, and have probably in- creased. But Canada still retains significant room to manoeuvre even in the areas of policy most affected by growing economic integration. (Hoberg, G. 350) The next argument is related to Globalization and Culture. With its awe-inspiring characteristics like limited government, an open society and Internationalism, Canada holds a position somewhere between France and United States when it comes to Cultural Politics. Just like India and Nepal, Canada and United States practice International Culture co-operation by engaging themselves in bipartite and multipartite activities. Like Kevin V. MULCAHY said that it represents an interesting case when countries like Canada-United States define statements like where you sit determines where you stand. For the United States, culture is judged generally to be a sidebar in the spectrum of politics among nations, as cultural expression is more often considered to be a commodity than a value of identity. For Canada, culture is a much more central concern in its bilateral relations with the United States given this asymmetrical relationship. The International trade agreement has really affected the cultural, political and economic relations between the two countries, to a limit that is very unusual but the artistic provisions of such a commitment, the work process of the cultural sector can clearly raise a debate on this political subject of Canadian Values becoming Americanized. Even though Canada is sensitive about its identification and coherence, there is awareness and the cultural practices ARE given a lot of importance. The counter arguments: Virtually, the cultural relations of these 2 peas in a pod may have their own identity in their own divergent and heterogeneous ways between power and smaller neighbor commonality, their adjoining population and keeping in mind the geographical condition of Canada. This may conclude for many others that Cultural, Rational and Political mix of Canadian Values and Culture stand more on the side of dependency of the United States. As is often the case, where a small nation has a big neighbor, geographic propinquity can create awkward, even difficult, cultural relations. (De la Garde, Gilsdorf, and Wechselmann, 1993) None of this is to suggest a loss of Canadian political sovereignty. Yet, Canada has had to grapple with a persistent stereotype of being the fifty-first American state. As such, colonialism (the cultural dominance of a stronger power over another) persists in its post-colonial era: moreover, there is a significant question about whether political sovereignty can be sustained without cultural independence and the concomitant value of individual identity. In sum, how can a distinct Canadian identity thrive in the face of a hegemonic American culture? Evidence- Canada does not have that unique point which acts as an advantage of differentiating them and giving them an edge over the other countries like the United States does. For example barely one percent of the movies that Americans watch are foreign (Mulcahy,2003). The attitude and their vast cultural diversities that American Industry has, galvanizes the fact about the Americanization of Canada. The US has clearly been dominating the Canada Free Trade agreement since the beginning of this new decade. The rivalry with the UK and US were preety much the same since the early 19th Century but after the Second World War there was a clear increase in trade with the US. The imports were measurable but the imports were much more from the US then it was from the UK. The world war had clearly left a major impact on the trade and the economic policies. The markets were devastated as 70% of the imports for Canada came from the US. In the wake of the Free Trade Agreement, there was a sharp (15 percentage point) increase in Canadas dependence on trade with the US. In 1998, total exports constituted a staggering 40 percent of GDP, with the US accounting for 84 percent of that total, Or 33 percent of GDP. Thus, while trade dependence was quite high previously, the current levels of trade dependence, globally and on the US in particular, are record setting. The Rebuttal Although small in population, Canada is home to two major linguistic societies and may be ideally positioned to mediate a global cultural perspective that is an alternative to the hegemony of American entertainment. A hybrid Canadian culture, which is post-colonial, bi-lingual and multi-cultural, could serve as a model for other nations that seek to retain their heritage and identity without retreating into autarchy or dependency. Like Kevin said Unlike Canada, the United States does not have such a distinct society, which Accounts for about 22% of its population. Accordingly, Canadian commitment to Multiculturalism has had to accommodate both individual rights and collective rights. In the U.S., everyone is legally equal to be American. In Canada, one is guaranteed the right to be Canadian, as well as the right to retain ones ascriptive identity. In this sense, Canada has had significant experience with policies that protect cultural diversity. Canadian culture does not rest as heavily on American principles of assimilation and homogenization; rather, there is accommodation and heterogeneity. As a broad generalization, Canada is a cultural mosaic in contrast to the American melting pot. Talking about the Free Trade Agreement, I agreed Canada has a few tough choices to make and the road ahead is not smooth but it is attainable. The Free Trade Area of the Americas is under negotiation, but the US Congress denied President Clinton the fast-track authority necessary to get Americans properly engaged. Nonetheless, the momentum still appears to be in the direction of increasing rather than decreasing international economic integration. Given the geography of trade, it seems unlikely that even if these agreements fail to go forward, the close integration of the Canadian and US economies is likely to change in any fundamental way. Conclusion: Being a part of North America and sitting right on the North of North America, it is not surprising that many might believe that Canada is slowly turning to be a sub-nation or is becoming Americanized but considering the facts like healthcare, welfare, the free trade agreement and other policies and various other elements of the political culture of this country would clearly define them to be different then the United States of America. Even the free trade agreement gives Canada quite an edge over the US. The imports might have been higher as compared to the exports in the early 2000 but ever since after that the imports have been similar to the exports i.e. 70%.. The culture of Canada is totally different as compared to the United States even though they celebrate the same festivals the way they celebrate is different and differences like these affect a lot and leave a major impact when differentiating the two countries. The culture has always been kind of similar but that does not mean that Canada is becoming Americanized. The government is totally different and the only part which I think is becoming Americanized is that Canada has more Starbucks now than it used to. Court Report Essay: Sexual Offences Court Report Essay: Sexual Offences Court Report Name of the Court: The Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) (the Supreme Court) Location: 6 Knowles Place Canberra ACT 2600 Honourable Judge: Justice Hilary Ruth Penfold Court Room No: No.5 in Supreme Court building Name of the case: R v Michael John Stratford Case No.: (SCC250/2016) Defendant: Michael John Stratford (Grandfather) Date of hearing: 22.03.2017 Time of hearing of case: 12.30pm Legislation: Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) INTRODUCTION On 22 March 2017 at 12:30pm, I attended the criminal trial of R v Michael John Stratford (SCC250/2016) in Court Room 5 of the ACT Supreme Court located 6 Knowles Place Canberra ACT 2600 where Honable Justice Hilary Ruth Penfold heard the matter and sentence hand down to the accused/offender. Present in the court room was Crown Prosecutor, who was assisted by an instructing solicitor from the Director Public Prosecutions. Representation for the defendant included defence barrister and instructing by solicitor. Also present at the trial were court officers, members of the public and the family members of victim and accused. THE CHARGE the accused aged sixty-four-year-old was charged with the ten time sexual offences/indecency act with his 12-year-old granddaughter without her consent which carries minimum sentence of 12 year of imprisonment. However, s70(2) of Crimes Act[1] allows the jury to find alternative verdict for an act of indecency (s60(1))[2] instead, which carries a maximum penalty of 7 year of imprisonment[3]. FACTS OF THE CASE Mr. Statford was charged under the offence of indecency act with his granddaughter. He committed this crime in his own house while his son and daughter-in-law was going to New Zealand for business trip and left their daughter for babysitting into his real parents house. Accused was the real grandfather of victim. The age of the victim was 12-year-old and age of accused/offender was 64 year old at the time of sexual act of indecency. Accused did ten times act of indecency with his granddaughter. Accuseds wife who are also real grandmother of the victim was witness of that act when accused did that tenth time with victim and then she reported to the police. According to Mr. Statford, victim also involved with consent in that activity. He also stated that he always asked permission from victim before did that act. IS THIS A SUMMARY MATTER OR INDICTABLE MATTER? This is an indictable matter because these types of offenses are serious in nature and requires many hearing and take a longer time to resolve. Jury and Judge consider each aspect of this matter for conclusion and for final verdict. This matter was reported to police in July 2016 and today court hand down sentence to the offender/accused. PAST HISTORY AND CRIMINAL RECORD OF ACCUSED Honable judge read-out some previous life and criminal history of accused that Mr. Statford was a single parent child and abused by his mother also faced financial hardship. He has ten charge of theft in 1998 and 6 charge of dishonesty but not on his real name. He was also patient of two mental hospital one was Batsman-Bay Hospital and other was Goulbourn Mental Hospital. THE LAW Sexual Intercourse without Consent: Crimes Act 1900(ACT) Section 54 A person who engages in sexual intercourse with another person without the consent of that other person and who knows that that other person does not consent, or who is reckless as to whether that other person consents, to the sexual intercourse is guilty of an offence punishable, on conviction, by imprisonment for 12 years.[4] Indecent assaults/Acts of Indecency: Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) S60 Act of indecency without consent (1) A person who commits an act of indecency on, or in the presence of, another person without the consent of that person and who knows that that other person does not consent, or who is reckless as to whether that other person consents, to the committing of the act of indecency is guilty of an offence punishable, on conviction, by imprisonment for 7 years.[5] Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) S61L Indecent assault Any person who assaults another person and, at the time of, or immediately before or after, the assault, commits an act of indecency on or in the presence of the other person, is liable to imprisonment for 5 years.[6] Act of Indecency with consent or without consent: Indecency is an ordinary English word which means indecent behaviour. It is for the jury to decide that whether the facts of the case amount to indecency or not.[7] Generally, it has sexual meaning which followed by the ordinary meaning approach which connected with the areas of the body associated with the sexual activity.[8] Courts has also referred to what right-minded persons would consider in directing the jury: This case also recognized that some conduct might be considered inherently indecent, some might be vague. (This case Accused had spanked 12-year girl across the buttocks admitted to buttock fetish).[9] ELEMENT OF THE OFFENCE Physical element (Actus Res) of this case: In my observation while I was listening the sentencing order, actus res was present and the conduct of offender was voluntary during every time he touched the private parts of victims body and also did the indecency act while no body present at home and he repeated that act of indecency several times. Fault element (Mens Rea) of this case: Offenders intention towards victim was not good. Offender has knowledge about his act which he did with victim. He had malafide intention of sexual act towards victim. Mental Element of Indecent Assault: Under common law, accused intentionally or recklessly touched victims body or intentionally or recklessly threatened that unlawful force would be applied.[10] PURPOSE OF THIS OFFENCE In my opinion, there was two purpose of this offence; Accused/Offender had dark hidden fantasy about incest and fulfilled his dark fantasy. Accused/Offender had a psychiatric disorder named Pedophilia[11] in which a person has sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 13 years or younger. JUSTICE PENFOLDS CONSIDERATION TOWARDS ACCUSED Prior to sentencing Mr Statford, Justice Penfold discussed the following observations of Mr Parkinsons circumstances: Criminal record of theft and dishonesty. An unhappy childhood, with an abusive mentally ill mother. Financial hardship. Employment history comprising mainly trade and labour jobs. Patient in two Mental hospital one was Goulbourn Hospital and other was Batsman bay hospital. Unsuccessful married life. Three time divorced. Two time tried to suicide due to his mental condition/ JUSTICE PENFOLDS CONSIDERATION TOWARDS VICTIM 12-year-old girl who never know what happed with her. Breach of trust towards trustworthy relations. Her short but strong statement, you have to kept this secret from everyone. TOTAL PENALTY/SENTENCE AWARDED BY COURT Generally maximum penalty of this offence is 7 years of imprisonment [12]but after all consideration and circumstances as well as observations of jury in this matter, Honable court awarded sentence 6 year and 6 month of imprisonment. CONCLUSION After attending a sentence hearing, now I understand that there is a lot of considerations to be taken while sentencing and sentencing is a really complicated and complex issue. In my opinion, accused did very serious offense which might affected the mental health of victim in future as well as worst impact on society because it is also a matter of trust between the close relations. To conclude this, I strongly agreed with the sentence handed out by the Honable judge. I also understand that a persons past history and relevant cases must be taken into consideration when assessing these types of issues. Finally, through sex offender programme in relation to child abuse should prevent the offender from committing the crimes again. Bibliography: A- Books David, Brown, David Farrier Sundra Egger Luke McNamara Alex steel Michael Grewcock and Donna spears, Criminal Laws materials and commentary on Criminal Law and Process of New South Wales (The Federation Press 6th ed, 2015) B- Legislation Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) Criminal Code 1995 (Cth) [1] Crimes Act 1900 (ACT). [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid, s60. [4] Ibid. [5] Ibid. [6] Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). [7] R v Nazif [1987] 2 NZLR 122 at 127. [8] Harkin (1989) 38 A Crim R 296 at 301. [9] R v Court [1989] AC 28 at 42 per Lord Acker. [10] Drago v The Queen (1992) 8 WAR 488. [11] [12] Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) s60.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Abortion is a controversial issue in the today’s society. There are many opinions on the view of abortion, whether it’s positive or negative depending on the individuals’ perspective. First of all what is Abortion? Abortion is a medical process where the foetus is removed or terminated from the womb of the mother before it is born. The reason why I chose the topic abortion is because I was fascinated to hear that an estimated 80,000 - 90,000 surgical abortions are performed in Australia each year (Garratt, 2009). I find this issue important to address because Abortion is probably the world's most common surgical procedure (Arthur, 1999) and that it is increasing over the years, to the extent that people would find it commonly natural to abort the unborn child. By examining sources in relation to the issue, its creditability is its upmost importance so that we are able to understand the issue of abortion with clear understanding and judge for ourselves whether i t’s right or wrong. Journal First Criteria: Peer Review I believe the journal article I have chosen is credible because, peer reviewed journals are considered as the basis of academic research and professional knowledge. They present information that is in a clear and concise fashion, as a result leading to a high level of credibility. Also, the care and effort it takes to develop a publishable manuscript means it can be months between the time research is conducted and the results are even submitted for publication (Solomon, 2007). This indicates that time and effort has been put in the journal article to make the information that is being conveying to the audience authentic and that only the highest quality of research is published. The journal article that I have chose... ...atistics that was established plays on the emotion of the audience as they feel sympathy for the large amount of women that had died because of their first pregnancy. Furthermore statistics also increases the credibility of the article in two ways. Firstly, using statistics establishes that extensive research has been done making the audience believe that the stats provided are factual and reliable. Secondly, using statistics from reliable sources such as World Health Organization rises the credibility of the article. The article that I have chosen is credible because the author John Flynn used statistic from different sources as well as quotes from experts to back up his statement, and also most importantly statistics sticks with the audience even after reading the article. Hence statistics are one important factor that makes an article credible and reliable.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

PALM WINE :: essays research papers

â€Å"Palm Wine† is a story of an anthropologist named Bertrand that traveled to Senegal on a graduate fellowship to collect proverbs from its people (McKnight 35). The miscommunication, lack of understanding, and appreciation for the people of Senegal caused alienation between them and Bertrand. I believe that if Bertrand went to Senegal with an absorbent mind frame and stuck to his academic responsibilities, he would have fulfilled his purpose and came out of this journey with a new found respect and some proverbs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The language barrier between Omar, Bertrand and Doudou caused indifference between them. I notice that when you don’t like a certain person you tend to tune them out and only pick up a portion of what is being stated. Even though Omar’s â€Å"English was relatively poor† it was clear that Bertrand â€Å"didn’t really like him† (McKnight 36). Doudou felt offended to be studied like rats in a laboratory without being asked. He and his people felt disrespected and felt as if people of Bertrand’s profession â€Å"steal from them† (McKnight 40). In a sense, I think they mean that they steal their culture by writing in books what they perceive and not what the culture of traditions are really about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bertrand was already behind â€Å"because of a lengthy bout of malaria† (McKnight 35). Knowing this, he should have been more prepared and geared up to collect the Wolof proverbs. He was caught up in this idea and desire to acquire this palm wine. A yearn that he obtained from reading â€Å"The Palm-Wine Drunkard in college† (McKnight 35). Bertrand knew that his intentions on getting a hold of some proverbs were low on the list compared to getting some palm wine. He stated, â€Å"I took my pad, pencils, and tape recorder along, knowing I wasn’t going to use them† (McKnight 35).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel that Bertrand did look at anthropology as being â€Å"the study of primitive cultures†(McKnight 39). He didn’t appreciate it as a culture rich in tradition but as a place yet to be civilized. He wasn’t taking in the people and their customs and way of life; he only wanted what they could offer that could calm his thirst which was the palm wine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once he attained the palm wine and realized that this wine that the Drinkard â€Å"soujourns through many cruel and horrifying worlds to in order in try to retrieve† (McKnight 35) is an â€Å"acquired taste† (McKnight 39).

Mainstreaming Children in the Classroom Essay -- Mainstreaming Classroo

Mainstreaming Children in the Classroom The idea of mainstreaming children is an incredible idea. By integrating classes, it requires changes in organizational management. For children to be mainstreamed it takes great devotion from directors, teachers and families. It is important to understand that the mainstreaming of children with disabilities should not be implemented according to a certain standard model. This process is an individual one (Daniels, E & Stafford, K. 2001). Mainstreaming of children is based on the belief that education of every child should be individual. This states that every child has their own individual right to go to a normal school if that’s what they would like. Advantages for Mainstreaming Children Many people believe that disabled children should be mainstreamed in normal educational environments. Mainstreaming students with disabilities has many advantages. One main advantage is simply forming relationships with different types of children. They can adapt to "playing" with normal children and the normal children can adapt to the disabled. Starting the children off early by mainstreaming, both the normal and the disabled children can learn that there are other worlds out there other than their own. This can be a huge step in today’s society. By forming relationships with people that are different than you, the children will learn that there is nothing wrong with doing so and they will grow up making friends that are different from them. This will teach the children that even though they have differences, they are both still kids that like to have fun and be educated. Mainstreamed children also find that even though they learn differently, they may have the same hobbies and common interes... Daniels, E. and Stafford, K. Mainstreaming Children with Special Needs. Retrieved October 28, 2008, from Burnett, J.(2002) Mainstreaming Ourselves. Retrieved November 15, 2008. URL: Uniform Resource Locator: Horner, R. (2001). Special Education Resources on the Web. Retrieved November 17, 2008 from URL: Uniform Resource Locator: Kennedy, E. (1999) Special Needs in Schools. Wellington Newspaper Limited. Retrieved October 7, 2008 from Academic Search/EBSCO database. Siegel, Ernest. (1969). Special Education in the Regular Classroom. New York: John Day Co. Halsey, William. (1984). Dictionary for Students. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Tattoo Essay

TATTOO Indians , Japaneses , American and African civilizations maked a tattoo for ornamental. In many civilizations tattoo used for protection to sickness and evil spirits. Tattoo used for emphasize the position of the individual in society (slave,lord,soldier,etc. ) A. C. 2000 in egypt , first tattoo found in mummy. Britons,Gauls and Thracians interested to tattoo art. Hellen and roman civilizations used tattoo for slave nd guilties people. First christian people wrote Jesus name to their body.Tattoo swords coming from Tahiti language â€Å"tautau†. Tattoo was used romantic feeling , patriotism or religionist aim but in 20 century just prof tattoo makers doing this art who has a licance . Because of hygiene problems and contegion as like AIDS. Tattoo , people usually say its a kind of an addiction. Well I think they are mostly right. But it depends on the people for sure. Some people are getting inked just for the model they like. Some are getting inked to tell others the th ings he has on deep inside his mind.People also say inked people will be regretful in the future cause they think tattooed people will get bored of their tattoos. Actually there is no really something like that. Tattoo is a way to show people what or who you are. Its a lifestyle. Or maybe just art. Tattoo will be a taboo for those forever. And the most amazing thing for some others,us. I love tattoo , I think tattoo isn't a sin . If you are ready tk get inked, you got to make sure you are doing it safe. You need A clean place and the professional hands .Its your body and There is no return at all. Price is never the same at tattoo studios. There is only one reason,quality. You re getting a painting on your body, get it well done! When you are getting inked, you need to be sober. If you drink alcohol,that makes your blood run faster and that means more blood out. Yes some of your blood would want to get out of your veins the pain of tattoo changes for the people. Some people says it a little bit hurts. Some even faint. Nothing to worry though. I think it's worth a shot.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mattel Toy Recalls

Mattel, Inc. is the largest toy company in the world. This largest toy company in the world was founded by Harold Matson and Elliot Handler in 1945, as they started to produce picture frames. However it was Elliott Handler who had a visionary of a side business in dollhouse furniture out of the converted garage (Mattel). As a top company, the primary activities of Mattel are to design, manufacture, and market the toys. As the company’s sales growing slowly, Mattel started to produce varieties of high quality products and became one of the of the best toy companies around the nation at the time.The major move by Mattel was when it sponsored Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club television show that put the company in spotlight and company’s sales increased significantly. That sponsorship of Mickey Mouse Club helped the company to attract a very high proportion of young potential customers. In 1959, the wife of Elliot Handler, Ruth Handler came up with an outstanding ide a that changed Mattel forever. As Ruth Handler watched her daughter playing with paper dolls, she suggested the idea of making three dimensional dolls to her husband.Elliott loved the idea of making such dolls and introduced the doll with a full wardrobe and accessories to the market. The doll initially named after the nick name of daughter of Elliott and Ruth. The introduction of the new doll was a huge success for Mattel and immediately the doll became the major product line of Mattel (Finding). With the success of Barbie doll, Mattel was named a public company and ranked soon as one of the largest industrial companies in the United States. In 1968, Mattel have introduced another consumer-loved product called Hot Wheels. This was second biggest hit since the company introduced Barbie.Hot Wheels immediately labeled Mattel as the largest toy company in the world. As the toy industry was changing and new competitors were coming in, Mattel saw a stiff competition rising in the mid 198 0s. Like other companies in the toy industry, Mattel faced a stiff from the electronic entertainment. The electronic entertainment introduced many electronical videos games in which children switched to at an increasing young age from the traditional entertainment. To cope up with the competition and attract the new generation, Mattel decided to expand into technology by producing lectronic gaming products. Mattel failed to attract a high proportion of consumers, and were unable to fit in with the new strategy as there were new competitors producing electronic games with lower prices. Later, Mattel decided to focus on producing the core products of the company. This strategy to refocus on the core products and makeover some of the core products was a great success for Mattel. For example, after doing makeover, in 1988 to 1993, the sales of Barbie doll increased to $ 1 Billion dollars from $430 Million dollars (Sansweet).As Mattel is known for making most of its own products in their owned manufacturing facilities, the company owned and operated 10 manufacturing plants worldwide. Half of the manufacturing plants are located in China (Jiangyong). Since Mattel started its business, the company produced its products mostly in developing countries to take the advantage of cheap manufacturing costs. Unlike many toy companies, Mattel produced 70% to 80% of its products in their own manufacturing facilities. The company believed that making products in-house will be more stable and high efficient products.According to Mattel, in-house facilities have high standard safety measures and high quality control that produce high-quality products. Besides making most of its products in Mattel’s own manufacturing facilities, some of its production was outsourced to China and other developing countries in order to focus on domestic strategic efforts such as Research and Development and Marketing. However these outsourcing products were not efficient as products were made in in-house facilities. These outsourcing products were less stable and not as efficient.Many times these products needs to be recalled as they do not meet the safety standards and tend to hurt the image of a well-known organization like Mattel. Therefore, Mattel’s strategy was to focus on making most of its core products at their own manufacturing facilities, and outsource the products that are less popular and non-core. Due to outsourcing to other developing countries, the toy industry faced many hardships. The products that are made in developing countries that had substandard quality control were recalled many times due to the safety reasons.Mattel too faced a stiff pressure from the government and consumers for the products that were not safe and stable which are made in manufacturing facilities in China. Recently, Mattel recalled several of its products because they were not safe for consumers. Recalling millions of products, not only reduced the total revenues of the company, as well as it hurt the company’s image at the same time. Mattel had been always trusted by its consumers for making providing its consumers high-quality products and stable products.The recalls that are connected with lead paint made by Mattel’s lont-time manufacturers. These manufacturers are responsible for not having strong safety regulations and not complying with the quality control within the organization. The manufacturer, Early Light Industrial, was responsible for the second major recall of about 1 million toys. The manufacturer had more than 200 employees to inspect if the contractors were complying with safety regulations, but none of them were stationed on-site to inspect the products. Failure to inspect the products left the company with rooms or errors.In order to understand a company’s situation, financial statements are very important. Financial statements allow you to see the company’s performance, financial condition, and financ ial trend. By examining financial statements of Mattel, we can clearly foresee where the company is heading financially. Looking at ROA and PM, both ROA and PM increasing year to year from 2005 to 2007 which is very good news for Mattel. Despite the recalls, Mattel’s total revenue is still increasing year to year. These analyses clearly show that Mattel is performing very well in making profits.Some of the key financial highlights of Mattel recorded below: Selected Financial Highlights of Mattel, Inc. : YEAR 2007 2006 2005 Net Sales 5,970. 09 5,650. 16 5179. 02 Cost of Sales 3,192. 79 3,038. 36 2,806. 15 Net Income 599. 9 492. 93 417. 02 Total Assets 4805. 46 4955. 88 4372. 31 ROA (%) 12. 4 9. 5 9. 53 PM (%) 10. 4 8. 72 8. 05 Firm Strategy One of the Mattel’s primary strength is that the company is the leading brand named leading toy company in the toy industry. Ever since Mattel started its business, the company always produced high-quality and consumer-loved products . Mattel has plenty of name brands products that are very popular among the customers. Mattel’s brand name recognition stared in 1959 when the company first introduced the famous doll, Barbie.Other products, Hot Wheels, Fisher Price, and NASCAR also are very popular products and behind the huge success of Mattel. In order to continue making the high-quality products Mattel’s main focus is to keep doing what the company is doing and find out what the customers’ want and desire by research and development. Mattel’s main goal is to maximize production efficiency while minimizing the risks, controlling expenses, and maintaining flexibility. In order to focus on that strategy, Mattel has decided to use the third party manufacturers to produce its non-core products.Slowly, Mattel has been moving its manufacturing to countries like China, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, and many other developing countries. As Mattel has contracts with thousand of vendors in those co untries, the company does not need to rely on a single manufacturer. However, this strategy may not convey quality assurance of the products and also raise concerns over safety regulations. Due to substandard safety measures revolving toy designing and manufacturing in China, Mattel has been facing some tough challenges.During 2007, Mattel has made five recalls of over 21 million toys are made in China due to the excessive lead paints on toys and having loose magnets that normally impose danger to the children while playing with them. These loose magnets and lead paint can easily be consumed by the children. These recent recalls started to hurt the image of the company and as well as the reputations of the company. Sales in some areas started declining, however, the total revenues of the company is increasing than the previous year.Possible Options As we have detected causes of the problems, we need to come up with alternative solutions to solve the problems. There are some alternat ive strategies Mattel can apply in order to stay on the of the toy industry. Possible alternatives include rebuilding strategy, and manufacturing in United States. Option 1: Rebuilding Strategy: Mattel should focus on rebuilding strategy. The company needs to rebuild the consumer trust in toys, rebuild the trust of the industry, and as well as the trust of China.Accountability and responsibility required strongly to repair the image. Denial and accusations will just hurt the image of the company more as it could bring counter attack by the accused. Option 2: Manufacturing in United States: Mattel may decide to move its manufacturing back to United States as they are facing many problems in foreign countries. However, this strategy will be really costly to Mattel financially. Also, it will harm the relationship with foreign countries. Therefore, rebuilding strategy is strongly recommended. Recommendations and ImplementationsDuring the crisis management, accountability and responsibil ity is very important to maintain the reputations and sales of the company. Admit the wrongdoing, instead of throwing blame on China. Blaming China will just hurt the relationship with the Government China. Mattel, Inc. is also required to change its strategy to address the concerns in design, manufacturing, quality control, and safety assurance of the products. In order to implement the rebuilding strategy, Mattel needs to take some of the important steps. The company needs to be open and truthful.Confess to wrongdoing is a great tool to start re-establishing the trust. The company also needs to focus on communicating with the consumers to address their needs. For better standard safety measures, Mattel should hire a third party for sudden inspections of the products in manufacturing facilities. The company should maintain its current strategy and continue outsourcing in China where it could focus on expanding product lines. The company may also incorporate with established manufac turing facilities where they have standard quality control and strong safety measures.Most importantly, the company needs to focus on more modifying the safety operations in facilities by inspecting standards of production and examining the materials that are supplied by third-parties. October 26, 2010 Robert D. Katz Ishaque Mohammed Ibrahim Mattel’s Case Memo Executive Summary: California-based Mattel, Inc. is well-known to the world for making the high-quality and brand-name recognized products. Recently, the Mattel Company recalled millions of products that are mostly made in China for the safety concerns that raised many questions about the sustainability of the company’s products.Due to these recent recalls, now Mattel is totally aware of the perils of manufacturing in developing countries, where the safety measures and working environment were totally unacceptable. The purpose of this case analysis is to understand the problems that occurred and how Mattel will c ome to solutions to solve them. This case analysis will review the problems Mattel is facing, analyze firm strategy by using SWOT, and recommend alternative strategies to solve the problems and best way for Mattel to proceed successfully in the future.